May 8, 2009

Peacock tights!

Just a quick post, I wanted to show you these *amazing* tights that Boxeh made! They're so cool. haha


May 6, 2009

New repeats?

Stardoll just loves repeats, especially this week. Although....the newest clothing is a little different from the originals. Check it out :

If you were on Stardoll about a year ago, you'd probably remember the skirt and the dress. They were on the Kate Nash doll, but the skirt was a darker blue, and the dress was a dark red. I actually like that instead of just re-releasing them, they changed them up a little. But they're still being lazy and uncreative, so.... =S



Semi-80's fashion that I really had to post. (-: I couldn't save it on my doll, because I'm supposed to be wearing the new HB's hairbow right now! I was just playing around, hope you enjoy!


First post, just practice.

This is so crazy, I just figured out print screen! haha, This is my 2nd outfit for The Cut on Stardoll. I don't think I'm going to make it to Task 3, but I'm happy enough with making it to Task 2!

But this isn't for posting things about The Cut, this blog is for me to practice on Blogger! LOL. So no one's eyes but mine should be here....hmm.

So, eh....what are YOU looking at? (-:
